An ongoing series of Somatic Movement workshops created by James Knight, Founder of Gentle Somatic Yoga® & Somatic Wellness®
Purchase your annual subscription by clicking any of the buttons on this page.
Join James to find your Inner Oasis one day a month for complete restoration.
Each workshop is 1-hr with an optional 1/2-hr Q&A following. Anatomical themes change monthly.
Please NOTE: James teaches 2 Workshops catering to 2 different world time zones. When you sign-up you have access to take both and will receive a Zoom invite after you register. Also, both workshops are recorded for future viewing up to 30 days.
This is more than a Workshop, it is an exploration of your Truest Self.
Through this journey of conscious movement and breath you will learn and embody
Gentle Somatic Yoga’s Key Principles:
Discover areas of Sensory Motor Amnesia (muscles that are constantly contracting against your will ~ as if they stay engaged on "auto-pilot" - involuntary) and strengthen your brain-to-muscle connection. The more you can have voluntary control of your muscles, the more freer and comfortable you are in everyday movement.
All ages and abilities welcome
Who can benefit…. ?
Each Somatic Sanctuary workshop will be recorded and available for viewing 30 days after the event. Replay recording links will be sent via email up to three days after the workshop. (Thank you in advance for your patience in regards to this timing. There is much for us to do on the backend of our website to make this recording available to you).
If you miss it during that time, you can always subscribe to our new virtual Somatic Wellness TV station by clicking here. You can try it out for FREE for 7 days.
Reminder: James teaches 2 Livestream Workshops for each Somatic Sanctuary with intent to cater to our worldwide audience with different time zones. When you sign-up you will have access to both workshops and will receive a Zoom invite after you register. Also, both workshops are recorded for future viewing if you cannot make it, and/or you'd like to practice again after the event.
James Knight, E-RYT, CHSE, has been an Integrative Therapist and Experienced Yoga Teacher for over 30 years. He is one of the pioneers in the field of bridging Somatics with Yoga and is certified as a Hanna Somatic Educator by the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training. One of his unique gifts is the ability to blend the neuroscience of Hanna Somatics with Yoga to help people reembody their natural birthright of peace and wellbeing. Through this, James lives his life's purpose by inspiring others to live a fulfilling life of physical, emotional and spiritual freedom.